La Paradeta restaurant

La Paradeta restaurant 1 La Paradeta restaurant

La Paradeta restaurant

Critics and food bloggers have been raving about a great seafood restaurant that has customers queuing out of the door. La Paradeta stands out as one of the only self-service restaurants where the low price does not reflect the quality of food.


La Paradeta in the El Born area

“A seafood monster heaven” is what local bloggers have re-named the restaurant and the reason why becomes clear as soon as you step through the door. Mounds of seafood ranging from luscious langoustines to succulent squids are arranged neatly on a bed of ice. The restaurant’s name, La Paradeta can be translated as ‘The Market Stall” and is rather fitting to the atmosphere.

The service is speedy and efficient. The customers goes up to pick out what they want and they have to pick a ticket. Then, they just have to wait impatiently while the chef prepares their delicious food. When the meal is ready they can go pick up a freshly cooked meal.

It must be said that La Paradeta is not ideal for those in search of white-tablecloth service. In fact, the atmosphere is quick, casual and a little chaotic. If you want to give this quirky restaurant a try there are branches all over Barcelona! Have a look at their website for more details.

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